Hamba Allah

My photo
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Ordinary muslimah. Say, 'LailahaIllallah, Muhammadur Rasulullah'. Islam is the way of life. Age: 248 months (update: 18/08/11), Currently studying as a Medical student (future Muslimah Doctor insyaAllah) at IIUM Kuantan.

Monday, July 18, 2011

New Addiction- Quilling

Salam'alaykum wbt...

Apa khabar iman? Diharapnya dalam keadaan yang mekar indah, kian bersinar di sinari cahaya mentari. =) Agak puitis di situ.

Well, it's been a while since I update this blog. Not that I dont have time to do so. But, I'm actually not being healthy for the past few days. So, I can hardly move around, not being able to do most of my daily routine. But Alhamdulillah... Here I am... Being rewarded by Allah SWT another chance to live, approaching Ramadhan, insyaAllah.

I'm not gonna write anything more than that anyways. Just would like to share with all of you my current craft addiction, which is Quilling. It's a craft that you can made just by using few tools and papers. Looks easy... and it's not that hard actually. You can just google for some videos and steps to start learning by your ownself. It's that easy. Unlike my previous craft addiction (which I'm still addicted to..), most of them really takes your time, stressing the eye, hands, and brain. For this one, Quilling, it's not that hard, at all.

For new beginners especially, usually quillers sell Quilling Beginners kit for you to purchase (which cost around a hundred plus) so that you can start quilling, following the tutorials given. So, you wont go astray. Hehee... It's not hard. Trust me. I know. To be a quiller, you dont need to have any skills of sewing or knitting or beading or anything! You just need to know how to twirl the paper. Isn't that easy? So, here I would like to share among quilling artwork from famous and skillful quillers such as Inna, Chan, Alli, Lin and few others.

And many more.
I have to admit that I love international quillers MORE than national quillers. Why? Because they love to share their knowledges and help other people to be as good as they are. Unlike national (Malaysian) quillers, they always keep their knowledge as a secret. =.="

That's all for today. May Allah bless us all. Ameen.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kerjasama berLAINan Agama.

Salam'alaykum wbt. Ana ingin berkongsi satu artikel yang ana baca di salah sebuah blog yang ana 'follow'. Dipersilakan baca, fikir dan nilai secara mendalam. Apakah pendapat antum? =)

Al-Imam Yusuf al-Qardhawi berkata: Barangkali ada perasaan ingin bertanya dan menjadi perbincangan oleh sebilangan orang: bagaimana mungkin dapat diwujudkan suatu kebaikan, kasih-sayang dan pergaulan yang harmonis dengan golongan ghairul Islam, padahal al-Quran sendiri dengan tegas melarang berkasih-sayang dan bersahabat dengan orang-orang kafir, sebagaimana dinyatakan:

Hai orang-orang yang beriman! Jangan kamu menjadikan orang Yahudi dan Nasrani sebagai ketua, sebahagian terhadap sebahagiannya. Barangsiapa menjadikan mereka sebagai ketua, maka dia itu tergolong mereka, sesungguhnya Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang zalim. Maka kamu melihat orang-orang yang dalam hatinya itu ada penyakit, cepat-cepat pergi kepada mereka. (al-Maidah: 51-52)

Jawabnya: bahawa ayat-ayat ini tidak mutlak, tidak mengenai setiap Yahudi dan Nasrani atau kafir. Kalau difahami demikian, niscaya akan terdapat pertentangan antara ayat-ayat tersebut dengan nas-nas lainnya yang mengundang supaya dijalin saling pengertian dengan baik dengan panganut agama lain. Ditambah lagi dengan keharusan berkawin dengan ahli kitab dengan penegasan ayat-ayat alQuran yang antara lain berbunyi sebagai berikut:

Allah menjadikan di antara kamu (suami-isteri) cinta dan kasih-sayang. (ar-Rum: 21)

Dan khusus tentang Nasrani Allah mengatakan:

Sungguh kamu akan menjumpai dari antara orang kafir yang lebih dekat cintanya kepada orang-orang mu'min, iaitu orang-orang yang mengatakan: kami adalah orang-orang Nasrani. (al-Maidah: 83)

Dengan demikian, maka ayat-ayat al-Maidah: 51-52 di atas ditujukan untuk orang-orang yang menentang Islam dan yang memerangi kaum muslimin. Oleh kerana itu tidak halal seorang muslim memberi bantuan dan saling bantu-membantu dengan mereka. Inilah yang dimaksud dengan muwalat (bersahabat, mengangkat orang kafir sebagai ketua). Dan dilarangnya pula kaum muslimin menjadikan mereka ini sebagai sahabat karib sehingga dengannya mereka dapat mengetahui rahsia-rahsia kita dan menjadikan mereka sebagai kawan yang bertugas sebagai pengintip yang dibiayai oleh mereka dan agamanya. Terhadap mereka ini al-Quran dengan tegas menyatakan:

Hai orang-orang yang beriman! Jangan kamu menjadikan sahabat karib orang-orang selain golonganmu, mereka itu tidak mahu menolong kamu dari kecelakaan, mereka itu senang kalau kamu susah; sungguh telah nampak kebencian dari mulut-mulut mereka, sedang apa yang tersembunyi dalam hati mereka lebih besar. Sungguh kami telah menerangkan kepadamu ayat-ayat kami kalau kamu mahu berfikir. Kamu ini adalah orang-orang yang kasih kepada mereka, tetapi mereka tidak mahu kasih kepadamu. (ali-Imran: 118-119)

Ayat ini menjelaskan kepada kita tentang sifat-sifat mereka kepada kita, bahawa mereka itu menyembunyikan permusuhan dan kebenciannya kepada kaum muslimin dan telah dinyatakan dalam lidah mereka. Dan firmanNya pula:

Engkau tidak dapati orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir itu menunjukkan kecintaannya kepada orang-orang yang menentang Allah dan RasuINya, sekalipun mereka itu ayah-ayahnya sendiri, anak-anaknya sendiri, saudara-saudaranya sendiri dan keluarganya sendiri. (al-Mujadalah: 22)

Orang yang menentang Allah dan Rasul tidak sekadar kerana kufur tetapi justeru kerana mereka memusuhi Islam dan kaum muslimin. Dan firman Allah:

Hai orang-orang yang beriman! Jangan kamu jadikan musuhku dan musuhmu sebagai ketua, kamu tampakkan kepada mereka rasa cinta, padahal mereka telah kufur terhadap kebenaran yang datang kepadamu, mereka akan mengusir Rasul dan kamu juga, lantaran kamu beriman kepada Allah sebagai Tuhanmu. (al-Mumtahinah: 1)

Ayat ini diturunkan berkenaan dengan masalah persahabatan dengan orang-orang musyrik Makkah yang pada waktu itu mereka memerangi Allah dan Rasul, dan mengusir orang-orang Islam dari Makkah justru kerana mereka mengatakan kami beriman kepada Allah. Orang-orang seperti ini tidak boleh kita ajak bersahabat. Walaupun demikian, al-Quran tidak menafikan harapan kebaikan kepada mereka, dan tidak pula mengatakan sikap putus harap. Bahkan al-Quran memberikan suatu harapan kiranya dapat merubah sikap mereka itu dan menjernihkan hati mereka. Untuk itu dalam surah itu juga al-Quran mengatakan:

Barangkali Allah akan menjadikan antara kamu dan antara orang-orang yang kamu musuhi itu perasaan cinta, sedang Allah Maha Kuasa, dan Allah pun Maha Pengampun dan Belas-kasih. (al-Mumtahinah: 7)

Peringatan al-Quran ini sudah cukup untuk mengelakkan ketegangan dan berkobarnya api permusuhan. Sebagaimana disebutkan dalam salah satu hadis yang berbunyi sebagai berikut: "Bencilah kamu kepada musuhmu itu sekadarnya saja, agar satu saat dia akan mencintaimu." (Riwayat Tarmizi dan Baihaqi) [38]

Lebih keras lagi haramnya berkawan dengan musuh, apabila mereka itu orang-orang kuat, berkeyakinan dan menakutkan, sehingga kerananya orang-orang munafik dan yang sakit hati berusaha untuk berkawan dengan mereka dan mengangkatnya sebagai kawan pelindung untuk memperkuat barisannya, dengan suatu harapan akan sangat berguna di hari esok, untuk itulah, maka Allah berfirman:

Maka kamu akan melihat orang-orang yang dalam hatinya ada penyakit, pergi dengan cepat-cepat kepada mereka sambil berkata: kami takut akan mendapat kecelakaan, tetapi mudah-mudahan Allah akan mendatangkan kemenangan atau suatu urusan dari sisiNya, sehingga dengan demikian mereka akan menyesali apa-apa yang mereka rahasia akan dalam hati-hati mereka itu. (al-Maidah: 52)

Beritahulah orang-orang munafik itu, bahawa mereka akan mendapat siksaan yang pedih, iaitu orang-orang yang menjadikan orang-orang kafir sebagai ketua, bukan kepada orang-orang mu'min. Apakah mereka mengharapkan kejayaan dari sisi mereka? Sesungguhnya kejayaan adalah milik Allah seluruhnya. (an-Nisa': 138-139)

(Kitab Halal dan Haram; bab bersahabat dengan bukan Islam;
oleh Al-Imam Yusuf al-Qardhawi)


Artikel dari blog: http://azharjaafar313.blogspot.com/2011/07/geng-bas-sekolah_2865.html


Monday, July 11, 2011

Arts is Seni

Salam’alaykum wbt..

Alhamdulillah ana dan keluarga tersayang telah pun selamat sampai di Penang sesudah maghrib malam tadi. Perjalanan yang boleh dikatakan paling lancar setakat ini kerana langsung tak jam. Sepanjang perjalanan dari Kuantan ke Kuala Lumpur, tiada sebarang masalah yang dialami manakala perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpur ke Penang menemukan kami dengan beberapa buah lori dan bas Polis Di Raja Malaysia. Pulang dari menganggotai perhimpunan Bersih ana kira. Seperti biasa, ana memang suka tiap kali mahu ke Penang… Selain menziarah abang ana, kakak ipar dan anak saudara sulung, ana paling suka architecture jalan di Lebuhraya Utara Selatan kerana struktur yang unik selain perhentian R&R yang cukup terurus. Ana selalu pastikan ana tak tidur nyenyak sewaktu perjalanan kerana dah terbiasa di didik oleh umi untuk menjadi co-pilot untuk setiap perjalanan. Maka pabila sampai di KM259.5 Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan (selepas terowong Ipoh), ana cukup gembira! Sebab ana suka architecture jalan yang berbentuk U-shaped, membuatkan pemandu memandu 180 darjah dari terowong. *excited*

Anyhow, beg ana penuh sebab ana bawa beberapa buah buku dan nota yang ‘kononnya’ mahu ditelaah pada waktu cuti ni. InsyaAllah… InsyaAllah… Tapi memandangkan idea seni meng’gila’ kembali, ana buat keputusan untuk menjahit beberapa kraf yang diperbuat daripada kain felt. Material memang dah ada, tinggal jahit ja… Oh well, ana senang sangat nak jatuh cinta dengan kraf-kraf ni… Ingat lagi waktu darjah 6 selepas UPSR, umi ana hantar ana pergi belajar ‘beading’ atau membuat dekorasi manik dan juga cross stitch sewing. Maka terhasillah cross stitch picture serta gelang, cincin, bekas telur, jug dan keychain yang diperbuat daripada manik. Semuanya starts from nothing into something! Alhamdulillah…

Dalam masa yang sama, ana reherse kembali bermain piano memandangkan dah lama sangat tinggal… Takut nanti lupa terus, rugi pulak sebab dulu waktu pergi kelas, banyak juga fulus yang dibayar oleh umi dan ayah. Jadi, manfaatkan ilmu yang dah ada. Cuma satu la… Rugi sikit sebab tak ambil kelas belajar violin waktu tu. Aduhai... Tapi takpa, bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada. Sekarang ni ana tengah ‘membaca’ key not ‘Sorry, I love You’ theme song dan praktis sekerap mungkin. Kenapa? Biarlah rahsia… =)

Well, if you noticed, I keep on talking about arts kind of thingy. I’m into arts… Really. Who doesn’t? These are all my hobbies… I do it whenever I have free time, which is something that doesn’t happen that often. =P Therefore (wow, therefore? Am I writing an English essay? ), as soon as I have time to do something that I love, I’ll definitely take the chance to sew anything that I want, design anything I love and play piano too. Many of you might not expect these from me, I assume. Well, what to do? It’s better to deeply fall in love with something like this rather than other kind of thing. Now I’m thinking, my parents allow me and always support me to do things that I love, most of the time. Is it because they want to ‘divert’ my attention from other things, which illegal for me to get involve with? Heee… Hold that thoughts. No, no.. Throw it away.

Oh, got to go to babysit my dear cute SAF. This might not be an interesting post for you to read. I’m sorry. Ran out of idea for the time being because I’m focusing more on creating new ideas for my felt craft.

The materials... Felt fabrics and buttons

Converted into these 'creatures'...

iPhone pouch

A Cake?

A cute alien--> belongs to my bestfriend...

And a lot more others. Totally handmade, without any sewing machine.

Till then.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Simple Smile is.....

Salam'alaykum wbt.....

A Simple smile is a SUNNAH.....
The Lighting system of the Face.....
The Cooling system of the Head.....
The Warming system of the Heart.....
The Sparkling system of the Eyes &
The Relaxing system of the Mind.....
And most easy Sadaqah.....
May Allah always keep u happy and smiling!


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ramadhan's Preparation

Starts from NOW!



Read Al-Quran

Recite Al-Quran and give Sadaqa

Striving hard against the self

Ramadhan High-way code

Lowering the gaze to prevent desire


Generosity of Rasulullah saw

Salam'alaykum wbt.

Today let us all learn more about our beloved Prophet Muhammad, Rasulullah saw, shall we? (^_^)

Generosity was among the countless good qualities of the Prophet Muhammad. He was the most generous of people and he used to be most generous in Ramadan.

One day the Prophet Muhammad offered the prayer in the mosque and then hurriedly went to his house and returned immediately. A companion asked why he left and he replied,

“I left a piece of gold at home which was given for charity and I disliked letting it remain a night in my house, so I bought it to the mosque to distribute.”
(Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

Our worldly possessions are bounties from God, who is Al Kareem, the Most Generous. Muslims believe that everything originates from God and everything will return to Him, thus, it is logical to behave as if that which we possess is merely a loan, something we are obligated to preserve, protect and ultimately share.

Whenever Prophet Muhammad met a miserly person, he advised him to be more generous and charitable.

Ibn `Abbas said that he heard Prophet Muhammad say,
“The believer is not the one who eats when his neighbour beside him is hungry,” another companion heard the Prophet say, “The believer is simple and generous, but the wicked person is deceitful and ignoble.”

Generosity can be viewed as a wise investment in the future. Generosity or sadaqa may pave the way to Paradise because with every generous act comes great reward from God. However, being generous does not only mean giving freely from what you have in abundance. Generosity does not lie in giving away something that is no longer useful but in giving freely from the things we love or need.

Aisha (the wife of the Prophet) said,
“A lady, along with her two daughters came to me asking for some alms, but she found nothing with me except one date which I gave to her and she divided it between her two daughters.”
(Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

God tells us in the Quran that whatever we give away generously, with the intention of pleasing Him, He will replace it. God knows what is in the hearts of men.

Say: “Truly, my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills of His slaves, and also restricts it) for him, and whatsoever you spend of anything (in God’s Cause), He will replace it. And He is the Best of providers.”
(Quran 34:39)

The Value of Generosity

The companions of Prophet Muhammad understood the value of being generous. Abdullah ibn Omar was seen in the market buying fodder for his camel on credit. One of the men queried this knowing that Abdullah had received 4000 dirhams and a blanket the previous day. It was explained that before nightfall Abdullah had distributed the money amongst the needy. He then took the blanket, threw it over his shoulder and headed home, but by the time he arrived even the blanket was gone, he had given it to a needy person.

After the death of the Prophet, the people faced great hardship due to drought. They came to Abu Bakr asking him to provide them with enough to sustain them, but he was unable to help, the treasury was empty. Just at that time, the camel caravan belonging to Uthman arrived from Damascus. It was filled with foodstuffs and other goods. The merchants gathered at Uthman’s house offering him large amounts of money for the goods; however, he turned them down saying he was prepared only to give the goods to the One from whom he would receive the greatest reward. Uthman gave all the goods to the starving people of Madinah and did not charge them. He knew that God would reward him with something far greater than money.

Even in the direst of circumstances, person who is a true believer in Almighty God is able to be generous.

The people came to the Prophet Muhammad and asked,
“If someone has nothing to give, what will he do?” He said, “He should work with his hands and benefit himself and also give in charity (from what he earns).” The people further asked, “If he cannot find even that?” He replied, “He should help the needy who appeal for help.” Then the people asked, “If he cannot do that?” He replied, “Then he should perform good deeds and keep away from evil deeds and this will be regarded as charitable deeds.”
(Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

And God says in the Quran that He will repay the generosity of a believer.

“And whatever you spend in good, it will be repaid to you in full, and you shall not be wronged.” (Quran 2:272)

Allah is the One who provides for us and He expects us to share generously. We are encouraged to be benevolent and unselfish with our possessions, with our time and with our exemplary behaviour towards others.


Monday, July 4, 2011

How to Memorize the Holy Quran?

Salam'alaykum wbt...

Something to share with all of you for today.
Let us all try to apply it, starts from now,shall we? InsyaAllah! (^_^)

By Dr. Yahya al-Ghouthani, Jeddah (world leading Quranic recitation authority)
Translated by Abu Muqatil

In light of the principles which have passed us by in the previous section, I say to whoever wants to memorize a page from the Holy Quran from any chapter that I hope that you will stay with me so we can read the following steps together at ease paving the way to apply it precisely.

1. Obtain a good mus-haf

Try to obtain a good copy of the Quran whose size is according to your need and never ever replace it so that you will be strong in memorising the parts of the pages and the lines. The mushaf al-huffaaz (the memorisers’ codex) [i.e. the text of the popular green edition from Madina written by the world famous calligrapher, Ta Ha Uthman] is preferred which starts with the verse at the start of the page and finishes with the last verse, and it is divided up well, whereby the Quran being thirty juz` (parts), every juz` has 20 pages and every page has 25 lines. The King Fahd organization in Medina al-Munawwarah has built a printer for this copy and I advice getting it as it is the most accurate contemporary print.

2. Set the scene

Setting the scene for memorization according to the following:-

i. Self-composure – Have the correct intention in mind and a desire for reward from Allah

ii. Wudoo` (ablution) and complete purity – Do not take the easy option of those who give a fatwa (legal edict) for its opposite as that goes against what befits high regard of the Speech of Allah and good manners with it.

iii. Comfortable setting – Sitting in a place where you feel at ease, and there is no more sacred place than the mosque.

iv. Free of distractions – It is preferred that it is a place without many pictures, carvings, decorations and distractions. The more enclosed the place is – with all due regards to fresh air – the better, compared with open space, trees and gardens. Even if some may differ with me, but I say this based upon experience not from abstract thinking. The atmosphere for light reading is different from the atmosphere for focused memorization, as wide spaces, sceneries and trees distract the mind and focus. Whatever is suitable for light reading is not needed for genuine work and focus, as mentioned in rule 4.

v. Face the Qibla – (direction of prayer towards Mecca) and sit in a state of submission, tranquillity and respect.

3. “Warm up”

Begin the “warm up” process (for want of a better expression). It is the preparation where you read a few pages of the Quran before starting the memorization process, whether from memory or looking. Recite nicely, listening to yourself without haste or delay.

This is a fundamental component in preparing the self. You will find many successful memorization teachers do not allow the student to memorize before getting them to revise the previous session and letting the sheikh hear. This is to prepare him psychologically and spiritually for memorization, whilst the student may be totally unaware of the teacher’s aim.

4. Be controlled in recitation

Beware of your voice’s beauty from distracting you at this point. The sweetness of your tone encompasses you in the atmosphere of chanting. So you start thinking that you’re so-and-so, the famous reciter, then you assume his persona and start to recite with deliberation and perfecting the letters. You repeat it and recite it again like some of the reciters.

Perhaps it all goes over the top and you bring out a microphone and recording equipment. Time will pass by whilst you are unaware, and you become like that young man who really wanted to memorize the Quran but every time he sat down to memorize he opened the Quran at Surah Yusuf and began to chant it until the time passed him by and he memorized absolutely nothing.

5. “Feel that urge…”

About 10-15 minutes of the warm up exercise and personal preparation you will feel a strong desire in yourself to memorize, with that it is possible for you to start with a new page you want to memorize.

6. Focus

Here begins an important stage, you really have to doubly focus on the verses. Imagine that your eye is a camera lens, and that you want to film the page with sound and image. Be careful not to shake the camera.

7. “Action!”

Open your eyes well. Free your mind from any distraction. Read by looking at the first verse at the top of the page in an audible voice with tajw5d [the correct rules of recitation]. Read correctly with concentration. Lets use an as example His statement, the Most High:

سيقول السفهاء من الناس ما ولاهم عن قبلتهم التي كانوا عليها قل لله المشرق والمغرب يهدي من يشاء إلى صراط مستقيم

The fools among the people will say, “What has turned them from their prayer direction to which they were used to face in prayer.” Say, “To Allah belong both, east and the west. He guides whom He wills to a Straight Way.” [2:142]

Read three or more times until your mind takes it all in, then close your eyes and picture in your mind the places of the words and read them. If you succeed in reading them completely without any mistake, don’t get excited but instead repeat two, three or five times.

8. Repeat

Then open your eyes a second time. Read the same verse from the book to confirm the correctness of your memorization. If you are certain that you’ve memorized it correctly, don’t get excited. Instead close your eyes and read another time. With this you have chiseled in your mind an engraving that is impossible to disappear with the permission of Allah, the Most High. Try the steps carefully, you will definitely find this approach sound.

Note: During the process of recall and repetition, be careful not to divert your gaze to the things around you such as written notices distributed upon walls, posters, artwork, or décor. Do not follow a whirling fan. Do not be concerned about the type of furniture or coverings you’re sitting on. Be careful of excessively looking out of the windows, perhaps your eyes will chance upon something that will not please you, or perhaps you will be distracted by the scene of people in the street, or the scene of cars as happens to students during their revision for their exams. One of them stands at the window with the excuse of getting fresh air, then there he takes a census of cars based upon make and model, and in this manner time passes him and is wasted whilst he hasn’t benefited a single thing.

You have no business with these distractions. You have to put yourself forward as someone from the people of the Quran and from its memorizes, and that requires motivation, perseverance, focus and an absence of distractions.

9. Next verse

After that move to the verse immediately following it:

…وكذلك جعلناكم أمة وسطا

Thus we have made you a middle nation…[2:143]

and begin with the same steps we outlined with the previous verse. If you think the verse is long, then divide it into several parts corresponding to correct and sound stops and normal meanings. Then repeat and repeat many times until it is engraved deeply in your memory.

10. Connection process

Begin now with the connection process which I mentioned in the eighth rule of memorization. That is by opening the book and focusing on the last part of the first verse – for example – إلى صراط مستقيم …and read it with an audible voice then connect it quickly without any stop with the first part of the second verse وكذلك جعلناكم أمة وسطا. Repeat this process many times but no less than five times.

After reading these steps – if you like them – begin implementing them straight away and record in a special notebook the date of beginning memorization. Contact someone you love and trust, and then tell them that you have found a technique in memorizing the Quran that you began applying today, so that you can be someone who guides to good.

One of the benefits of contacting someone like this is that it will be an encouragement for you in memorization and continuation, as it reflects an increased conviction in oneself with what you’ve read.

This is what is confirmed in psychology, if a person does something and he convinces someone else about it, then it is like taking a firm stance without retracting from it and his behaviour increases his conviction in what he does.

It is possible to summarize this method in the following steps:-

1. Personal composure

2. Warm up

3. Concentration

4. Repetition

5. Connecting

Result = a strong memorization with the best method.

Source: Kayfa Tahfaz al-Qur`aan al-Kareem

May this article benefits us all. Ameen

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Love Doctor

Salam'alaykum wbt...

Love Doctor = Doktor Cinta?

Alhamdulillah... Masih lagi bernafas di bumi Allah malah dalam keadaan yang masih diberi nikmat sihat jasad, fikiran dan iman. Ameen. Buat kesekian kalinya ana update blog ni. Ya, hari ini ana akan berbicara mengenai Love Doctor. BUKAN Doktor Cinta TAPI Cintailah Doktor! =D

Ana masih lagi bercuti sekarang ni... malah akan terus bercuti sehingga bulan September insyaAllah. Memandangkan cuti kali ni agak lama (terlampau lama rasanya. uhuh..) berbanding kebiasaannya (selalunya sekitar 10 hari ja), ana mati kutu, tak tahu nak buat apa... walaupun sebenarnya banyak ja benda yang ana boleh buat...=) Sahabat ana ada yang bekerja (alasan ana: umi ayah tak bagi), ada yang melancong (alasan ana: tak mau manfaatkan fulus untuk ber'enjoy') malah ada yang tak buat apa (alasan ana: err... entah).

Maka ana membuat keputusan untuk mengulangkaji pelajaran. YA. Kalian tidak silap baca mahupun rabun mata. Dengan ini ana mengisytiharkan, ana sedang mengulangkaji pelajaran di rumah. T_T

InsyaAllah... banyak manfaatnya. Memandangkan akhir tahun 2 nanti ana perlu menghadapi Professional Exam, maka ana rasa sangatlah wajar untuk ana mengulangkaji pelajaran di saat ini. Bukan kerana itu saja sebabnya mengapa ana mengambil keputusan untuk mengulangkaji pelajaran... Mungkin juga kerana tak biasa bercuti panjang... Makanya bila cuti lebih dari 2 minggu, secara automatik ana mula study balik sebab dah terbiasa dengan habit macam tu. Tak salah kan? (^_^)

"Demi masa. Sesungguhnya manusia itu berada dalam kerugian. Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan melakukan amal solih dan saling menasihati dalam kebenaran, dan saling menasihati dalam (menetapi) kesabaran"
(ShadaqaAllah hul azim-All that Allah had said is True)

Dari Surah apakah ini?

Surah yang semua orang sangat familiar... Surah Al-Asr (103: 1-3). Surah ini malah menyokong kuat tindakan ana untuk mengulangkaji pelajaran memandangkan ana mempunyai masa untuk berbuat sedemikian. Jika ana membazirkan masa yang Allah berikan pada ana dengan begitu sahaja, kan ana rugi! Makanya... Jom study! Hehee...

Buat masa ini, ana sedang membaca, memahami dan menghafal kembali topik Lower Limb subjek Anatomy. Ya... bila belajar balik waktu cuti ni, barulah sedar sebenarnya mereka ini (read: subjek medik) tidaklah sesusah yang ana fikirkan selama ni... Hihiii... InsyaAllah... bila kita belajar balik apa yang kita pernah belajar, insyaAllah semakin bertambah kefahaman kita mengenai subjek tersebut malah bertambah bersyukur kita dan terkagum dengan kebesaran Allah! (^_^)

Jadi apa kaitannya semua ini dengan Love Doctor aka Cintailah Doktor?

Love Doctor sebenarnya slogan yang ana gunakan buat diri sendiri untuk meningkatkan motivasi yang sememangnya ada dalam diri. Ada ketika, ana rasa...

"Ya Allah, susahnya jadi student medic. Kalau ambil kos lain (engineering ka...) mungkin tak sesusah ini"

Ya, ana pernah berkata begitu pada diri sendiri waktu mula-mula bergelar "The Pelajar Medic". Tapi sekarang, insyaAllah tidak... Setakat ni, Allah paling menguji ana dengan masalah emosi atau stress. Alhamdulillah masih lagi stabil segala neuron yang ada dalam brain ini. =) Walau apa jua rintangan dan cabaran serta liku kehidupan yang ana perlu lalui demi menggapai cita-cita untuk bergelar seorang doktor, ana sedia berhadapan dengannya. InsyaAllah! Asalkan sentiasa berada disampingNya dan mendapat kekuatan yang dibekalkan olehNya, ana pasti dapat berdepan dengan segala ujian yang telah dan bakal melanda.

Allah bagi kita sesuatu keadaan yang susah supaya kita belajar melaluinya, ambil ibrah atas kejadian yang berlaku. Begitu juga ana belajar medic, insyaAllah Allah akan permudahkan urusan. Kerana keberadaan ana di tahap ini adalah dengan izinNya. Kalau tidak, usahalah macam manapun, andai rezeki ana berada di tempat lain, maka di tempat lain itulah yang ana akan dapat rezeki. Jadi, yakinlah dengan Allah! Dia tak pernah memungkiri janji... =")

Love Allah.
Love Rasulullah.
Love My Family.
Love Myself.
Myself = Doctor (soon-to-be).
Love Myself = Love Doctor

Wallahua'lam. Wassalam.

p/s: Oh tak lupa juga, jom tingkatkan AMAL IBADAH!
Tahajjud dan hafal Al-Quran.
Banyak masa yang ada ni.
Jom! Jom!